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The Good Nurse Netflix Movie Review Versus Capturing the Killer Nurse Netflix Documentary Review




Introduction to The Good Nurse Netflix Movie Review Versus Capturing the Killer Nurse Netflix Documentary Review


I recently watched the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse which was a real eye-opener for me.


This is especially true since I had already watched the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse as well as shared my movie review of The Netflix movie, The Good Nurse not too long ago.


In my comparison between The Good Nurse Netflix movie and Capturing the Killer Nurse Netflix documentary, I realized that The Good Nurse Netflix movie was actually written with a movie audience in mind. As a result, there are several embellished scenes in The Good Nurse Netflix movie.



I’ve condensed my opinions of the Netflix movie The Good Nurse when compared to the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse below.


If you are curious as to which of the two versions of these tragic events that actually happened to watch, you may want to check out my comparison between the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse, and the Netfflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse. You may even decide to watch both the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse and the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse.



Outstanding Acting of Eddie Redmayne in the Role of the Charles Cullen Character in the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse


I repeat my opinion from my Netflix The Good Nurse movie review that actor Eddie Redmayne did an excellent job depicting the Charles Cullen character. You may even notice their similar appearance and eerie unassuming mannerisms which I discussed in my Netflix movie review of The Good Nurse. 


After watching the Netflix documentary where they showed the real villain nurse, who is Charles Cullen, I think you will agree that Eddie Redmayne gave an Oscar-worthy or at least an Oscar-nominated worthy acting performance in playing this atrocious character.


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Embellishments in the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse vs. the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse


–The partner detective who was working with the main detective is considerably younger than the actual detective who investigated these terrible and unthinkable crimes.


–The partner detective was new on the job and trying to make a good impression with his co-detective, so it is

unlikely that he was loud, condescending and verbally abusive to the female hospital administrator which was shown in the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse.


Specifically, In the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse there is a scene where the partner detective caused both himself and his partner detective to get banned from the Somerset Hospital because of these actions.


As I suspected, when I watched the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse this alledged verbal altercation was not shown and probably never happened.


Additionally, during the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse, nothing was mentioned about the detecves being banned from the Somerset Hospital where some of these crimes were taking place.


During the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse, there is a scene where Jessica Chastain’s character allows a patient's husband to stay in the hospital room after regular visiting hours to stay with his elderly wife.


The wife, unfortunately became a victim of these terrible crimes. According to the Netflix documentary, this visiing scene dispute which was shown in the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse did not happen.


For added untrue dramatic affect in the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse, Jessica Chastain's character was verbally chastised loudly by her supervisor for allowing the visit.


This scene was not shown in the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse, and probably did not happen.



Location where Jessica Chastain’s character attempted to get Charles Cullen to confess to the unthinkable crimes he was committing relative to his patients


In the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse, both Jessica Chastain’s character and Charles Cullen’s character met at what looked to be a small “Mom  and Pop” Cafe. 


However, according to the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse, they appear to have met in a bar where there was a lot of background noise making it difficult for the detectives to understand the conversation between the nurse and Charles Cullen.




Clarity of why Jessica Chastain's character was slow to suspect that Charles Cullen was destroying Innocent Patients


The Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse made it clear why the nurse was slow to suspect Charles Cullen was destroying his patients. This was not the case in the Netflx movie, The Good Nurse.


I guess the director thought that it was more important for dramatic purposes for Jessica Chastain to concentrate on acting as if she had a heart condition, than revealing why she was reluctant to suspect Charles Cullen was committing these tragic crimes.


However in the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse, a scene was shown where Charles Cullen gave the real nurse who was played by Jessica Chastain medicine that she desperately needed for her health. This could have been her reason for being slow to recognize Charles Cullen as the montrous person he really was.


Two Scenes in both the Netflix movie The Good Nurse and the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse that Without a Shadow of a Doubt Appeared to be Accurate and Spot On in their Depictions



–During the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse, it was revealed that Charles Cullen was indeed fired from his Somerset Hospital job as a nurse for an error on his resume.


--Both the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse and the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse were or seem to be accurate when it was shown that the hospitals involved were covering up the crimes that were taking place right under their noses. 


The Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse went so far as to provide details why the hospitals where these crimes happened would stoop so low a to cover up tragic crimes which they knew about for some time -- but did nothing to stop or deter from happening again.


Assessment of The Good Nurse Netflix Movie and the Netflix Documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse


In my opinion, both the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse and the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse are worth your time watching.  Just be aware that during the Netfflix, movie, The Good Nurse, for dramatic purposes, many actions in scenes were embellished as I alluded to above.



Based on my assessment after watching the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse, and the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse, I give both the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse and the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse, same rating of 3 stars.


Howwever, due to the outstanding acting skills displayed by Eddie Redmayne as the main character, Charles Cullen, I would lean towards you watching the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse to witness the excellent acting skills Eddie Redmayne showed, especially, since he was acting as if he was this terrible monster, Charles Cullen who did tragic and fatal harm to hospital patients.


Rating of the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse and the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars, with 5 stars being the highest, I rate the Netlix movie, The Good Nurse and the Netflix documentary, Capturing the Killer Nurse, 3 stars.



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