
The Royal Treatment Netflix Movie Review

Category: Ms H. News
Published on Monday, 15 August 2022 06:37

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Introduction to The Royal Treatment Netflix Movie Review


If you are in the mood to watch a movie where there is no need to figure out twists and turns in a plot, The Royal Treatment Netflix film may be for you.  


Additionally, during The Royal Treatment movie, there are no major conflicts, no great adventures, no fights, no explosions, chases, etc. The Royal Treatment movie, to me, is a throwback to the 90’s rom coms or romantic comedy films such as My Best Friend’s Wedding, Bridesmaids, The Wedding Date, The Maid and similar type movies. The major difference is the beau in The Royal Treatment movie happens to be a Prince and his romantic interest is a beauty salon owner.


Did I enjoy watching The Royal Treatment Netflix movie? Will you? Check out my Netflix movie review of The Royal Treatment to find out.


Plot of The Royal Treatment Netflix Movie


The Royal Treatment is a 2022 Netflix movie that has a familiar plot that has been told many times before. In fact, you may notice that similar events have happened in real life, considering the marriage of Megan Markle and Prince Harry as well as some other royal weddings.


Simply put, in the Netflix movie, The Royal Treatment, Prince Thomas (played by Mena Massoud of Aladdin fame) needs a haircut. His executive assistant for lack of a better word, recommends the New York beauty salon owner (Laura Marana as Isabella (Izzy)) for the job. Izzy’s character, of course, is overjoyed to have a Prince as a client and accepts the job right away. 


During their first meeting just before she gives him a haircut at his place of residence, one of his maids accidentally drops the tray she was holding, which causes Izzy’s character to scold the Prince for not showing empathy for the help, as the maid is called by the royal family. Izzy's characters angrily storms out of the residence and returns to her beauty salon. 


The Prince, in turn, shows up at the beauty salon, apologizes for his actions or nonactions and asks if Izzy’s character would now cut his hair -- which she did. The two embarks on a walking date in the neighborhood followed by the Prince’s stretch limousine.


From there, the storyline has the executive assistant recommending Izzy’s character along with two of her employees when the royal family indicates their regular stylist has left and they were in need of a new one, especially since the Prince is getting married.


The gist of the movie is the relationship between Izzy and Prince Thomas' characters. They form a relationship while at the same time the Prince is about to enter an arranged wedding, that is later found out to be based on financial necessity for the royal family.

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Predictability of The Royal Treatment Netflix Movie


The Royal Treatment Netflix movie is predictable from start to finish and even in the middle. When the movie starts and Mena Massoud's character enters the storyline, you probably already know that Izzy's character will become interested in him, that he would call off his wedding, and the Prince and the beauty salon owner would become a couple.


Regarding Izzy’s character's position as a beauty salon owner working with her mother and others, you will also probably foresee that Izzy’s character’s passion does not lie in styling hair or makeup – but in helping people in other ways. Spoiler Alert: Therefore, at the end of the film, it is not a surprise when she leaves her position and becomes the Director of a Community Center.


The Royal Treatment Netflix movie attempts to add an unexpected event in the storyline; i.e. the beauty salon burns almost completely down – but this was probably to be expected since the building had caught fire before and nothing was done to prevent another fire from happening.


Realism of the Royal Treatment Netflix Movie


There is a hint of realism in The Royal Treatment movie, since it’s possible for a Prince to become romantically involved with someone outside of the royal monarchs. It is also realistic for parties to resist arranged marriages.


However, to me it was unreal that the bride (Chelsie Preston-Crayfold as Destiny) did not become angry when she was told by the Prince that he could not marry her. In real life, I’m sure she would be upset and would not simply say that she felt the same way too. If this was the case, my question is why did she not discuss their relationship before. 


Instead, she talked to Nina Massoud’s character about her interest in starting a business and asked if he approved. This discussion was the ideal time for her to bring up the fact that she did not want to marry Mena Massoud’s character -- which she did not.


Dialogue in The Royal Treatment Netflix Movie


The Royal Treatment Netflix movie is based on a novel and written by Holly Hester. As such, the author had literary freedom to use many opportunities to craft creative dialogue that was not only entertaining, but in one particular instance was thought provoking.


The conversation I’m referring to is when Izzy’s character tells Mena Massoud's character that if she was given the chance, she would  change the world. Mena Massoud’s character responded almost immediately and I paraphrase here -- “Why would you wait for a chance to change the world when you can take that chance right now [rather than wait for someone to give you a chance.] In my opinion, these words are wise and are definitely food for thought.

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Assessment of The Royal Treatment Netflix Movie


Specific positives about The Royal Treatment Netflix movie is that it did not end with a cliche royal wedding or with Mena Massoud’s character running after Izzy’s character when he suddenly had an epitome and felt compelled to reveal something to her. This ending theme has been used in romantic comedy movies numerous times and I must say -- have run their course.


I categorize The Royal Treatment Netflix movie as relaxing and light hearted. There may have been some exaggeration between how certain groups of people live and act as well as their personalities, etc.  For example, certain people were depicted to be festive after hours, but I relate this comparison to the writer wantingt to contrast two groups of people.


If you are a fan of rom coms (romantic comedies) or simple human interest stories involving relationships and possibly marriages – I believe you may enjoy watching The Royal Treatment Netflix movie -- just as I did. In other words, The Royal Treatment Netflix movie may just be your cup of tea.


Rating of The Royal Treatment Netflix Movie


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate The Royal Treatment Netflix movie 3 stars.


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