
Prey Hulu Movie Review

Category: Ms H. News
Published on Friday, 12 August 2022 23:34



Introduction to the Prey Hulu Movie Review


I must admit – the movie Prey has plenty of attention grabbing scenes. In fact, one may have an opinion that the Prey Hulu movie has it all – action, adventure, and even a monster. However, did the Prey Hulu movie have the necessary components of an entertaining movie that is plausible –  including an interesting storyline, and in a nutshell – did the movie make sense?


You will find out the above and more when you check out my movie review of the Prey Hulu film. Even more importantly, I will let you know whether you should watch this movie – as I did or whether you should skip it.  


Without further ado, here is my movie review of the Hulu film, Prey.


Synopsis of the Prey Hulu Movie


The plot of the Prey Hulu movie involves the main character's (Amber Midthunder as Naru) determnation to seek out and destroy a futuristic looking monster who, interestingly enough, only attacks those it views as a threat. Enter  Amber Midthunder’s character who tries to prove to others that she is a worthy hunter and a force the monster should reckon with.


It’s unfortunate that as expected back in the year 1719, women had to prove themselves to be more than cooks or a caretakers. In the Prey Hulu movie, you will watch Amber Midthunder’s character endure taunts and insults from males especially regarding her wanting to be a part of their clique. However, no matter how much she shows her bravery, it is difficult for her to show that she can be part of their group.

 prey hulu record


Clash of Time Periods in the Prey Hulu Movie


The Prey Hulu movie clearly states that the setting of the film’s story is in the 1719’s. However, once you take a look at the monster that finally appears and all of his modern gadgets, it’s rather difficult to see that it would appear during this time period.  


For example, the monster has laser red lights at its disposal. On its arm is a light triggering device that can be programmed with a touch of a finger to direct weapons at its targets. In my opinion, because of the monsters advanced technological gear, it belonged in a story set in more recent times or even the future instead of the 1719’s.



Abilities of the Monster in the Prey Hulu Movie


As mentioned above, the monster could use light activated weapons for his attacks. However, one of its greatest powers, in my opinion, is the ability to disappear and become invisible at a whim. There were instances in the movie where the monster was in the midst of a battle, but would disappear when it seemed to be overpowered.


With the power to become invisible, I thought it was naive to think that the monster would not use it often during its battles. To the contrary, you will watch the monster stay visible and fight when he could have easily saved himself by disappearing. Go figure.


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Events in the Prey Hulu Movie


If you watch the trailer of the Prey Hulu movie, you may get the impression that Amber Midthunder’s character is out in the woods alone, trying to protect herself from the monster.


Instead, you find out that she is living in a teepee in a crowded tribe along with her family and that she can be perfectly safe if she stayed at that location. To me, the mind boggling part of why she would leave her safe haven to hunt the monster, who does not see her as a threat, was not an intelligent choice for her.


It's understandable that she wanted to prove herself as a hunter, but there are other ways to do so instead of hunting a monster who does not see one as a threat.  


Maybe the Prey Hulu movie was trying to prove a point that females can be hunters. If so, the storyline should have the monster view her as a threat right off the bat. In my purview, she did nothing to change herself to make it appear to the monster that she was a threat and as such was worthy to be an opponent.


An idea would be for Amber Midthunder’s character to craft an eerie looking gigantic mask which would probably fool the monster to see her as a threat. 


Spoiler Alert: The end of the movie when she conquers the monster had no basis, especially since the monster could disappear at any time. Additionally, the ending scenes did not show Amber Midthunder’s character doing anything extraordinarily different  to change the monster's perception of her as a nonthreat.


Assessment of the Prey Hulu Movie


I was not impressed with the storyline of the Prey Hulu movie. There was no rhyme or reason for Amber Midthunder’s character to chase after a monster who did not see her as a viable enemy – unless she did something to change its perception of herself as a non threat. If this was done, I believe my assessment of the Hulu film, Prey would be higher.


Speaking of perception – I think the writers missed an important point in the movie which is perception is reality. If the monster did not perceive Amber Midthunder’s character as a threat, then it was not going to waste time fighting against her – which for some unknown reason it did towards the end of the movie.


If you are a fan of fight choreography and stunts, you may want to check out the Prey Hulu movie. Also if you like to see the depiction of a futuristic monster, you may decide to watch the film just to take a look at the monster when it finally appears.


As for me, I watched the Prey Hulu movie in two sittings, giving its entertainment value the benefit of the doubt. However, the Prey Hulu movie unfortunately did not deliver for me.


Rating of the Prey Hulu Movie


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate the Prey Hulu movie 2 stars.




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