
Black Island Netflix Movie Review

Category: Ms H. News
Published on Monday, 18 July 2022 05:48


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Introduction to Black Island Netflix Movie Review


Here’s a geography lesson for you. Did you know there is an actual Black Island located in Antartica?  Antartica’s Black island gets its name due to lack of snow in the area. However the Netflix movie was filmed from an island location in Germany -- specifically Amrum, Germany.


 Back to the movie review – For a movie review change, I decided to watch a mystery thriller film on Netflix. This is a change from the stalking movies I’ve been reviewing, but I believe reviewing a variety of films may keep your interest. 


Black Island is a 2021 German movie (dubbed in English) that I happened upon while browsing movies on Netflix. Was the Black Island Netflix film really a mystery for me?  WIll it be for you? Check out my movie review of the Black Island Netflix movie  to find out.


I watched Black Island movie on Netflix, but it could be streaming on other services as well.


By the way, Black Island Netflix movie is rated TV-MA and should not be seen by anyone under seventeen years of age.


Synopsis of Black Island Netflix Movie Review


A string of dramatic, tragic accidents happened at the beginning of the Black island Netflix movie which resulted in the star of the movie Phillip Froissant as a 17 year old high school student, Jonas Hansen, to be orphaned. He lived in his late parents’ home. 


Phillip Froissant's character's surviving relative was his grandfather (Hanns Ziischler as Friedrich Hansen) who he did not get along with, just as the grandfather had not gotten along with his deceased father. Of contention was the writing skills or lack thereof of Phillip Froissant’s character whose writngs his grandfather criticized, the same as he did for Phillip Froissant's character's late father. 


However, the plot thickens. Enter Alice Dwyer as Helena Jung who is a German substitute teacher. She instantly made Phillip Froissant’s character her romantic interest, even though there was a large age gap between the two and she was his German language teacher.


As the story progresses, Phillip Froissant’s grandfather was honored at an outdoor occasion where mysteriously, the German teacher appeared standing in a corner, with a fresh bob haircut. She is noticed by Mercedes Muller’s character who plays Phillip Froissant’s character's high school girlfriend. The grandfather faints when he sees the German teacher standing out of the corner of his eye, and she, of course, instantly disappears.


When Mercedes Muller’s character becomes suspicious of the German teacher, the teacher takes matters into her own hands. I will not reveal what happened here so as not to spoil the movie. 


However, it seemed from that point on, strange events involving the teacher occurred relative to her relationship with the grandfather, his grandson, as well as the grandson’s girlfriend.


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Acting Skills Displayed in the Black Island Netflix Movie


The actors performed adequately, especially when there were scenes which included some closeups of their faces. To go a step further, I think the casting staff of the Black Island Netflix movie did an excellent job of casting the actors for the Netflix film, Black Island.


Speaking of actors in the Netflix movie, Black Island, I could not help but notice a resemblance between the actor Philllip Froissant and the classic actor from years ago, Ryan O’Neal. To refresh your memory, Ryan O’Neal is the actor who was linked for a long time to the late actor Farrah Fawcett.


Pace of the Black Island Netflix Movie


The Black Island Netflix movie is a mystery drama per se and there are not many action scenes. That being said, I found the movie to be slow moving with a corresponding slow build up in letting the audience know what was going on. This may have been done by design; however, I think there were certain scenes in the movie that did not move the action along.


For example the scene where a group of the German teacher's students were helping her to move in could have been eliminated.


if you watch the Black Island Netflix movie, you may find yourself trying to figure out the relationship between the German substitute teacher and the Hansen family. If you keep watching the movie, in one of the scenes Alice Dwyer’s character will spell out everything to you from A to Z and you will get a much clearer picture of what is going on.


You will also find out the extremes some people may go through to avenge themselves – which of course are the wrong actions to take.


As an added note, I was not a fan of the profanity used in this movie.




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Ending of the Black Island Netflix Movie


During the ending scenes of the Black Island Netflix movie, you may be on the edge of your seat, when you notice that Phillip Froissant’s character sees a female dressed in an hooded yellow raincoat while on a ferry, and quickly runs after her. Who is she? You will have to watch the Black Island Netflix movie to find out.


Assessment of the Black Island Netflix Movie


If you watch the Black Island Neflix movie, I recommend that you devote your full attention to it. It is a slow moving mystery movie, but I think you will be more entertained by it if you are not doing something else while watching this movie.  


If you enjoy watching mystery thriller-type movies, you may want to give the Black island Netflix movie a look-see. If not, you may want to pass on it. Portions of events as they unfolded were a mystery to me until I found out what was really going on as I kept watching the Black Island Netflix movie. You may also feel the same if you watch this movie in its entirety.


Additionally, I was in awe at how much Phillip Froissant resembled Ryan O’Neal. I was also disappointed regarding the extreme extent some people may go through to try to avenge something that happened years ago – obviously for no good, ethical reasons. The positive is that the movie events of Black Island are not based on true facts.


Rating of the Black Island Netflix Movie


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate the Black Island Netflix movie 4 stars.


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